YouTube - 10 months ago - 64.1K views
A fun and effective resource to learn English in context to talk about Australia, Australian culture, geography, history, and lots more ...
YouTube - 7 years ago - 750.9K views
Welcome to Top10Archive! As we return to our trip around the globe, we're stopping in a rather revered country, one that many ...
YouTube - 6 years ago - 1.8M views
Here are some facts for ya about down under - and no, I don't mean my trousers, I mean down under in AUSTRALIA you silly ...
YouTube - 1 year ago - 219.8K views
Did you know that continent of Australia is also a country and an island? In fact, it's the biggest island in the world! In All about ...
YouTube - 4 years ago - 2.1M views
What do you know about Australia? Which country has the longest fence in the world? How about the 2nd largest Greek ...
YouTube - 6 years ago - 438.6K views
From Sydney to Melbourne, Canberra to the West Coast and the Outback, learn about how Australia came to be, its geography, ...
YouTube - 9 months ago - 4.6M views
shorts #randomfacts #facts.
YouTube - 4 years ago - 1.8M views
Australia is a country where people pay with plastic money, some fish are over 300 million years old, and cockroach racing is a ...
YouTube - 3 years ago - 539.9K views
In today's episode of Aussie English I talk about Australian culture shock and give you 10 x weird things about life in Australia.
YouTube - 5 months ago - 5.9K views
Australia: the land down under! The sixth-largest country in the world by area is home to some famously unique animals, popular ...

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